Tour Schedule & Events
Fliter by State:
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Christmas
- Colombia
- Colorado
- Czech Republic
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hungary
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Israel
- Jackson
- Japan
- Jerusalem
- Kentucky
- Kosovo
- Louisiana
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montenegro
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- Poland
- Serbia
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Uganda
- Virgina
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Zambia

Junior Dance Intensive
Junior Dance Intensive is a shortened version of Ballet Magnificat!'s Summer Dance Intensive, offering students age 9-15 a week-long experience patterned after the annual SDI.

Fall Dance Intensive
This October, we are conducting a week-long dance intensive for students ages 11-24 seeking to glorify the Lord and worship Him through dance. Classes are conducted by the artists of Ballet Magnificat!'s professional touring company and faculty who guide the young dancers to develop their potential and seek God's direction for their lives.

Workshop: Rome, GA
Please direct any workshop questions to: Neal Brackett - 706-346-0224

Fall Dance Intensive
This October, we are conducting a week-long dance intensive for students ages 11-24 seeking to glorify the Lord and worship Him through dance. Classes are conducted by the artists of Ballet Magnificat!'s professional touring company and faculty who guide the young dancers to develop their potential and seek God's direction for their lives.

Summer Dance Intensive
Ballet Magnificat! Summer Dance Intensive annually attracts hundreds of students from around the world. Rated as “one of the best and yet most affordable”, this high level workshop is comprised of intense technical and spiritual training, conducted by the artists of Ballet Magnificat!'s professional touring companies and staff who guide the young dancers to develop their potential and seek God's direction for their lives.
For more information and to register, click here.

Junior Dance Intensive
Junior Dance Intensive is a shortened version of Ballet Magnificat!'s Summer Dance Intensive, offering students age 9-15 a week-long experience patterned after the annual SDI.
for more information and to register, click here.

Workshop: Mariquita - Tolima, Colombia

Workshop: Kamigori, Japan (Events Company)
For more information on this event, please contact

Master Class: Baton Rouge, LA (Events Company)
Please email for more information and registration.

Master Class: Lubbock, TX
To register for this masterclass, please email

Workshop: Oklahoma City, OK
For information and registration, please contact:
Dove Dance
405-773-DOVE (405-773-3683)

Master Classes: Melbourne, FL
Dancers age 8 and up are invited to join Ballet Magnificat! in partnership with Christian Arts Collective for a Master Class in Melbourne, FL!